SIPBB networks all customers with all relevant partners of the national innovation environment.

be-advanced works, among other things, on behalf of the location promotion of the Canton of Bern and stands for an independent and supra-regionally networked impulse generator. The new innovation promotion agency strengthens the innovative power and competitiveness of the start-ups and companies located in the Canton of Bern. Start-ups are helped by be-advanced to get all business matters off on the right foot.

Berne Economic Development Agency
Innovating for success: a dynamic economy needs startups that bring new, innovative, marketable products and services to the market. We support your startup with market potential and innovative projects right from the very early stages.

Innosuisse R&D project financing
SIPBB is a research partner in accordance with FIFG Art. 5 of the Innosuisse. Within the area of expertise of the SIPBB, companies can carry out innovative R&D projects funded byInnosuisse (up to 50 % of the project costs). Each year, the Swiss Innosuisse funding amounts to about CHF 150 million.

STI F&E Project financing
In financing matters for innovative projects, the SIPBB works closely with the STI. The foundation grants financial support to founders of start-ups with technological innovations and economic potential in the form of a repayable, earmarked and interest-free loan.

W.A. de Vigier Stiftung
Since it was founded in 1987, the W.A. de Vigier Foundation has always pursued the same goal of promoting active economic development by the direct financing (sunk costs) of young people with innovative business ideas who want to start up performance and growth-oriented businesses in Switzerland.