Agent-based digital teacher for interactive remote training

The company MyLiveZone offers a solution for remote training of industrial software and the corresponding HW components (sensors, actuators, controllers, gateways, etc.). With it, common principles and concepts such as Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT can be illustrated and explained. With the MyLiveZone platform, real-time access to the industrial hardware and linked industrial software is provided via the browser (without installation, see Figure 1) via camera and remote desktop. This allows worldwide, interactive access to a wide range of training locations and teaching materials.

Figure 1: An industrial training workplace is available worldwide for online training via the MyLiveZone platform.

However, training with a large number of participants is only possible to a limited extent, as the workstations have been digitised, but not the teacher. For this reason, customers such as Hilscher usually conduct their training in workshops with trainer and participants in the same room. The creation of self-explanatory training documents, so that new users can learn e.g. the programming and handling of Hilscher IoT Gateways at home or in the office without a teacher in self-study, is only possible with enormous effort. This is where the digital teacher can help.

Project goals

In this Innosuisse-sponsored project, an agent-based digital teacher is being developed and tested to support practical online remote training of complex industrial software and hardware with high availability and reliability. The agent-based digital teacher helps:

  1. Teachers in the efficient creation of appropriate teaching materials,
  2. Learners practicing and acquiring practical knowledge independently or under the supervision of agents.


Der modulare und agentenbasierte Aufbau erleichtert den Einstieg und führt die Lernenden rasch zu ersten Erfolgserlebnissen und ermöglicht dem Lehrer eine effiziente und möglichst automatisierte Erstellung der Übungen. Damit sind die Lernsitzungen nicht mehr an Zeit und Ort des Anbieters gebunden. Die interaktive Online-Remoteschulung wird dem Anspruch einer mobilen und vielschichtig beschäftigten Gesellschaft gerecht, von überall und jederzeit über das Internet auf relevantes Wissen und Lehrmittel zugreifen wollen («ad-hoc & meta-learning»). Der agentenbasierte Ansatz gibt sowohl dem Lehrenden als auch dem Lernenden einen digitalen Begleiter zur Hand, der diese Gruppen in ihren jeweiligen Aufgaben bedarfsgerecht unterstützt.

Industry partners

MyLiveZone develops and operates a platform for remote training of software, which can be coupled with HW components in addition to pure SW. Typical teaching materials concern the topics Industry 4.0, Automation and IoT. Customers include corporations with a worldwide network, SMEs with software and electronic hardware products that require explanation, as well as schools and further education institutions in the technical field.



The core competence of Hilscher is the technology, development and production of industrial communication solutions for modern factory automation. Hilscher's products range from ASICs, communication modules, PC cards, gateways to IoT devices with secure cloud connectivity for managing the devices and their docker containers. Hilscher has placed nine of its own training workstations for its IoT gateways on the MyLiveZone platform and is very successful in conducting training workshops.


Research partners


The FFHS is federally recognised and offers a flexible and part-time study model. Thanks to the blended learning model, students can complete their studies at one of the regional centres in Zurich, Basel, Bern, Brig and St. Gallen, independent of time and location. Involved in the project is the Laboratory for Web Science (LWS), which focuses its activities on applied artificial intelligence in research and teaching.


Our tasks

  • Implementation of the digital teacher in Java, Javascript and other technologies
  • Assistance with integration into the MyLiveZone platform
  • Development of the intelligent teacher by means of AI together with the FFHS
  • Assistance in patenting the developments for MyLiveZone
  • Overall project management

Project data

  • Project budget: ~450 kCHF
  • Duration: 1 year
  • The project is funded by InnoSuisse


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