Swiss Battery Technology Center

We commit ourselves to smart and sustainable electrification

Battery technology is one of the today's most important topics. How we use batteries will change drastically over the next decade. We need to reduce the CO2 footprint of each cell and extend its life cycle. At the Swiss Battery Technology Center, we research the sustainability of electrification, operate Switzerland's largest battery test laboratory with Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, and show how batteries can be taken apart and materials reused. We are committed to a high recycling rate of the entire battery. Safety and low costs have the highest priority.


Die neugegründete SBTC Solothurn GmbH integriert das Papieri Areal in Biberist (SO)

Aktuell: Das Bibersit Projekt

Innovation neu gedacht: Unser modernes Zentrum revolutioniert das Recycling von Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge – mit smarter Automatisierungstechnologie für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft.

A holistic approach to energy systems

In other words, we offer our customers more than production of new batteries; we want to provide customers with end-to end system development. As your partner, we offer applied R&D, prototyping, testing facilities for energy production and storage, and innovation services to push sustainability using principles from the circular economy. That also means creating batteries that can have a second life or can be recycled more efficiently. Building for reuse and building for recycling are vital subjects in our work. We want to show that these things are feasible and make sense for any company that wants to improve product lifecycles – helping to create and manage projects where sustainability is a core value. SBTC is your choice for companies who want electrification and product innovations that fit with their business model and create forward-looking solutions. Companies interested in creating better products for customers and the world will find a vital partner in the Swiss Battery Technology Center. The Center provides support throughout the product lifecycle and views itself as a long-term partner for the future evolution of the developed product.


Die neugegründete SBTC Solothurn GmbH integriert das Papieri Areal in Biberist (SO)

Press Release: Gründung der Swiss Battery Technology Center Solothurn GmbH in Biberist (SO)

A new innovation hub for the automated recycling of lithium-ion batteries!

Second-Life-Batteriespeicher aus ausgedienten E-Bike-Batterien im Swiss Bike Park in Betrieb genommen

Im Swiss Bike Park Oberried wird der Strom von der Photovoltaikanlage auf dem Velounterstand ab sofort in einem Batteriespeicher gespeichert, sodas...

Neues Recyclingverfahren für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien

Der Abbau von Rohstoffen für die Fertigung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, wie sie in Elektrofahrzeugen zum Einsatz kommen, stellt eine grosse Umweltb...

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