Projects SSF

The SSF carries out research and innovation projects on topics of Industry 4.0 and coordinates the acquisition of and application for project funding. The SSF is part of an international network of excellenceand contributes to edge  cutting international initiativesand projects (e.g. EU-H2020 and EU-Interreg).


SSF Projects


Roboter können Menschen bei monotonen oder körperlich schweren Arbeiten entlasten. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Menschen und Roboter ist bereits heu...

Radar basierte Dekubitus Prävention mittels KI – QUMEA AG

QUMEA has developed an innovative radar system to monitor patient mobility to support care. A pressure ulcer (bedsore) function is being researched on the existing system, a direct need from partner hospitals.

Augmented Reality Brille für den alltäglichen Gebrauch – Almer GmbH

Das Ziel ist die Integration und Miniaturisierung von alltagstauglichen Augmented-Reality-Brillen. Dabei muss ein kompaktes, optisches System erfor...

Agent-based digital teacher for interactive remote training

The company MyLiveZone offers a solution for remote training of industrial software and the corresponding HW components (sensors, actuators, controllers, gateways, etc.) 


The Swiss Smart Factory is a partner of the EU DIMOFAC H2020 project - DIMOFAC – Digital & Intelligent MOdular FACtories The digitalization of ...

Digital Regions

Digital Regions is an interregional project funded by Interreg Europe programme in which 8 European regions from Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain...

ACUBE Technology

ACUBE will simplify the way we access controlled areas. Forget today’s items like paper tickets in car parks, remote controls for garages, badges to get into your company’s building, etc.

Mylive zone

The interactive web platform for technology training. MyLiveZone, the unique technology training platform with live access to equipment and software.

Smart tools

Innosuisse research project “Smart Tools”. Development of a digital object memory for highly­stressed, metallic tools.

Smart Farming Robot

Innovation project “Smart Farming Robot”. Development of an autonomous robot for automated handling, fertilizing and monitoring of potted plants.

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