Mylive zone

mylivezone Switzerland Innovation Mieter im SSF (5)
The interactive web platform for technology training. MyLiveZone, the unique technology training platform with live access to equipment and software. Easily train, present or discover industrial products digitally!

We digitized the real-case:
Worldwide flexible training and presentations on your equipment – 24/7
• Digitized real-case training on equipment
• Training centre on demand
• Live presentations to customers
• Far-reaching strong community

By 2020, we want to become the largest European community for suppliers, developers, trainers and students in the engineering industry using MyLiveZone to test, present, train and discover technological products. In this way our MyLiveZone community members can get to know new products, provide feedback on features or new products, recommend them or practice on them. Suppliers and learners benefit from each other.

Mehr News & Events

Am 17 Januar 2024 fand in der Swiss Smart Factory der erste Smart Factory Breakfast Pitch des Jahres zum Thema Smart Maintenance statt.

SSF Netzwerktreffen – 29.04.2024

"Nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft: Innovationen und Praxisbeispiele"

Smart Factory Breakfast Pitch – Sustainable Manufacturing – 19.06.2024

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