As usual, the program was very exciting and top-class. Thomas Bernhard (CEO HAAG-STREIT HOLDING AG) gave a deep insight into the innovation strategy as well as into the 160 years history of the Haag-Streit Group. Further very inspiring presentations by Sasha Hugentobler (PhD Euresearch), Michael Friedrich (CEO Distalmotion) and promising startup pitches by flowbone SA, Risklick, macu4, YLAH, derma2go – your experts for healthy skin, Spirecut + Comphya as well as an interesting panel discussion with Cristina Rossi (Co-CEO b-rayZ AG) + Heidi Horsch (VRP Ender diagnostics ag) and a once again good-humored Dr. Heiko Visarius made for a successful event with about 130 participants.