Startup Weekend Biel/Bienne 2017

Startup Weekend Biel Bienne 2017 (11)
March 17, 2017
Are you eager to transform your idea into a business in a team? And do you say “challenge accepted!” if we tell you, you’ll accomplish this over the course of just one weekend? Do you have valuable skills and would like to help another participant with the realisation of his idea? Have you always had your eye on entrepreneurship and do you like meeting new people? If so, what are you waiting for? Sign up now for Startup Weekend Biel/Bienne from 17th-19th March!

The SWBB takes place at INNOCAMPUS. There, you’ll meet like-minded people and intensively work on realising an idea – all this with gadgets that are ideal for prototyping. With its Fablab, the INNOCAMPUS is just the perfect venue for all creative people who like mucking in. So, if you’ve been toying with this one idea and always wondered how it might look and feel holding it in your hands, then SWBB is a must-go for you. Thanks to various 3D printers and a laser cutter you’ll be able to create your own prototype very quickly. Of course, you’re also welcome if you’re not much of a techie – for a balanced team all sorts of skills and personalities are required.

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Press Release: Gründung der Swiss Battery Technology Center Solothurn GmbH in Biberist (SO)

A new innovation hub for the automated recycling of lithium-ion batteries!

Employee changeing powder container in a selective laser melting machine.

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