Startup-Weekend Biel/Bienne 2021

Every participant was a winner – the first prize went to the cancer project "2LIFE". Finally, we are allowed to hold events on site again! With a lot of energy, endurance and fun, around 30 participants plunged into the start-up adventure.

All participants won, namely knowledge, experience and a valuable network. Thanks to dedicated coaches, they learned how to use the Business Model Canvas. We were thrilled that almost every second participant pitched his or her own business idea. The following projects won the race and were developed over the weekend: 2Life, Rosae, Intensity, GYM BUDS, Rent a student and Springroll. The first prize went to the 2Life project. The 2LIFE team wins access to the be-advanced Challenge programme worth CHF 12,000.00. They want to develop their idea to offer a comprehensive full solution for cancer patients in the rehabilitation period.

Many thanks to the huge effort of the coaches. Another thank you goes to the numerous sponsors. For the first time we had Microsoft as a Gold Sponsor and Andrew Reid as a jury member. A thousand thanks also to the silver sponsors BEKB, Migros Kulturprozent, Sterki Bau, SIAXMA and Worldline/SIX Payment Services and to the Bronze Sponsor Die Mobiliar.

In addition to Andrew, the jury included Bärbel Selm (Foundation for Technological Innovation), Urs Guggenbühl (be-advanced), Yacine Bouazdia (Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH)

…and last but not least. We all fell in love with Mario Di Girolamo, Global Facilitator for Startupweekend and Community Leader at Techstars.

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