Rikscha Taxi

Rikscha Taxi

The integrated solution for "last mile logistics" With the rickshaw, a delivery of goods weighing up to 210 kilograms can be delivered and received quickly, flexibly and around the clock.


3D printed realistic anatomical models of the human body are created as prototypes for training simulators. This new technology can accelerate VirtaMed’s innovation and development process.

Green-Y Energy AG

Mit Druckluftspeichertechnologie Strom speichern. In einem Pilotprojekt wird erstmals in einem Gebäude mit Druckluftspeichertechnologie Strom gespeichert. Mit der Entwicklung des Startups Green-Y Energy AG und dem SBTC ist es möglich erneuerbare Energie zu speichern und nach Bedarf als Strom, Wärme und Kälte wieder frei zugeben.

Agent-based digital teacher for interactive remote training

The company MyLiveZone offers a solution for remote training of industrial software and the corresponding HW components (sensors, actuators, controllers, gateways, etc.). With it, common principles and concepts such as Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT can be illustrated and explained. With the MyLiveZone platform, real-time access to the industrial hardware and linked industrial software is provided via the browser (without installation, see Figure 1) via camera and remote desktop. This allows worldwide, interactive access to a wide range of training locations and teaching materials.


The Swiss Smart Factory is a partner of the EU DIMOFAC H2020 project – DIMOFAC – Digital & Intelligent MOdular FACtories
The digitalization of industry opens the path for mass customization but requires leveraging the existing manufacturing ecosystems and establishing a collaborative manufacturing environment.

Digital Regions

Digital Regions is an interregional project funded by Interreg Europe programme in which 8 European regions from Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland and Ireland will work together until January 2023. Partners will try to best adapt innovation policies to support smart specialisation in the manufacturing sector as a result of the emergence of INDUSTRY 4.0 (often referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution).

Living Well with Anne

Die personalisierte virtuelle Assistentin „Anne“ unterstützt heute in verschiedenen Sprachen betroffene Personen dabei, ihren Alltag selbstständig zu leben, ihre Medikamente zu nehmen, kognitive Spiele zu spielen, in Kontakt mit ihrer Familie zu bleiben und dank des Radios und der Zeitungen immer aktuell informiert zu bleiben.

BFH-Zentrum für Energiespeicherung

The BFH-CSEM Energy Storage Research Centre develops solutions for the energy production of tomorrow. These solutions make it possible for renewable energies from decentralised production to be integrated into the supply grid, and to replace fossil fuels for transportation. The objective is to better exploit the potential of sustainable energy sources such as photovoltaic and wind power.


Family-owned company, ESPI is an expert in measuring and machine tool controlling, thanks to its high speed 3D meas­uring machine range (Scanflash) and its software is able to calculate parameters to adjust the machine tool(ToolsDriv­er).

ACUBE Technology

ACUBE wird den Zugang zu kontrollierten Bereichen vereinfachen. Vorbei die Suche nach dem Papierticket im Parkhaus, die Zeit der Fernbedienung für die Garage oder der Badges für den Zugang zum Firmengebäude … In unseren Taschen befindet sich bereits ein leistungsfähiges Gerät: unser Smartphone. Warum also nicht einen intelligenten und einfachen Weg finden, um es als Schlüssel für diese Orte zu nutzen?

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